Commanding a Slave


~Quotes on Commanding a Slave~

“Obey me!” I commanded.” Nomads of Gor

“Tell me,” I repeated, more sternly. She looked at me. “Am I commanded?” she asked. I did not wish to command her. “No,” I said. “Then,” said she, “I shall not tell you.” “Very well,” I said, “then you are commanded.” Priest-Kings of Gor

“Did she not yet know that any slave must do anything, and everything, at the merest suggestion of a master, at his merest word, even at his slightest gesture, or glance? That is something that most girls learn quite quickly.” Players of Gor

“One commands and uses a slave totally. That is what they are for. They must serve completely. They must deliver, at so little as a word or gesture, immediately and unquestioningly, whatever the master desires.” Mercenaries of Gor

“Close your eyes,” said the woman with the torch. I closed my eyes, gratefully, against the light, but, too, of course, I was frightened. The light hurt my eyes. But, too I wanted to see. But, of course, I had no choice. I had been commanded. I must obey. I am a slave.” Witness of Gor

“I do not believe you,” she said. “Watch your tongue, Girl,” said Samos. “If you command me to believe you,” she said, “I shall, of course, for I am slave.” Marauders of Gor

“Oh, Beverly,” said Policrates. “Yes, Master,” said the girl, hurrying forward and falling to her knees before him. “Earlier,” said he, “you hesitated, if only briefly, in carrying out a command.” “Forgive me, Master,” she begged, turning white. “Leading position,” he said.
Sobbing, she rose to her feet, and put her head down, at what would be the height of a man’s waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair. “Have her whipped,” said Policrates. “Yes, Captain,” said the man. He then left the chamber, pulling the girl, sobbing, at his side. I was pleased to see that Policrates was a strict master. The girl was, of course, guilty. She had clearly hesitated in carrying out a command. How can a girl expect such laxities to go unnoticed, or unpunished?” Rogue of Gor

“I had been commanded by a man. I obeyed immediately, or did my best to obey. If a command needs to be repeated, as the saying goes, the girl needs to be punished. If the girl thinks, however, that the command may have been, say, an inadvertence, or mistake, or that the master might relent, or something along these lines, she might, say, beg or inquire. She is reassured of the intent and seriousness of the command if, for example, she is asked if the command need be repeated, which eventuality she will presumably be anxious to avoid. If she has, sincerely, and not as a girl’s trick, not understood the command, or has not heard it, or fears she may not have heard it correctly, she may also inquire into the matter, of course, and normally without penalty. In such cases the repetition of a command is not regarded as cause for discipline. A girl is seldom punished for trying to be pleasing, at least at first. If her efforts continue to fail, however, that is a different matter.” Dancer of Gor

“Go to the other flute girls,” I said, “to all those about, whether on the street or on the wall. Inform them that their work for the day is finished.” “Master?” she said. “Tell them to hurry home to their chains.” “Master!” she said. “Do you understand?” I asked. “Yes, Master,” she said. “Do you dally in the carrying out of a command?” I asked. “No, Master!” she said, and leaped to her feet, running across the Wall Road, her hands tied behind her, wisps of silk fluttering about her waist, the flute dangling from her neck.” Magicians of Gor

“Turn left here,” I said to the girl. “Masters?” she asked, stopping. “Left,” I said. As she was free I did not demur to repeat a command. Also, punishment for having to repeat a command is always at the option of the master. For example, a command might not be clearly heard, or might not be clear in itself, or might appear inconsistent with the master’s presumed intentions. Whether punishment is in order or not is then a matter for judgment on the master’s part. In this case, of course, as we were on Tarngate, at Lorna, she had every reason to question my direction.” Magicians of Gor

“Must a command be repeated?” is a question which strikes terror into a slave girl’s heart, for a repeated command is commonly a cause for discipline. The usual answer to that question is a hasty “No, Master,” followed by immediate compliance. It is another thing, of course if the command has not been heard, is not clear, would be impractical to obey, or such.” Conspirators of Gor

“On your bellies, all of you, facing away, hands at your sides, palms up,” I said. The slaves, well trained to obey free persons, instantly, and unquestioningly, complied, with the exception of Saru, who struggled to her feet and held out her hands to Pertinax. “Gregory!” she sobbed. “Gregory!” “Must a command be repeated?” said Pertinax. The repetition of a command is commonly a cause for discipline, unless there is a serious reason to suppose that the command has not been heard, or has not been understood. In this case, it seemed clear the command would have been both heard and understood. Failure on the part of a female slave not to respond instantly and unquestioningly to a command can mean the whip for her.” Rebels of Gor

“Kneel,” he said. “I do not understand,” she said. “Kneel,” he said. I noted that he had repeated a command. Masters do not care to repeat commands.” Explorers of Gor

“Stand up,” I told her. She did so. “Turn and approach me,” I said. “But I am naked,” she said. “Do you wish for me to repeat a command?” I asked. She turned white. “No, Master,” she said.” Explorers of Gor

He handed her the cup formed from the yellow half-gourd. She looked down at it, clutched in her hands. “Do you wish me to repeat a command?” he asked. “No, Master!” she cried and leaped to her feet, hurrying to the water, in its wooden bucket, at the side of the shed.” Fighting Slave of Gor

“Kneel,” I said. “Kneel?” she asked. “Must a command be repeated?” I asked. “No,” she said.” Fighting Slave of Gor

“Run to me, and turn your back,” I said. “How fierce you look, in the helmet,” she said, shrinking back. “Must I repeat a command?” I asked. She ran to me, and turned her back. “No Jason,” she said.” Fighting Slave of Gor

“Sandals!” I suddenly snapped. A Gorean command need not be repeated. Peggy, startled, wild-eyed, rose to her knees and seized my sandals.” Rogue of Gor

I dropped the leash. It fell between her breasts, and then to the stones of the street. “Get up,” I told her, “and put on your tunic.” She looked up at me, agonized. “Must a command be repeated?” I inquired. “No, Master,” she said. She then got to her feet, the long leash falling before her. She picked up her tunic and drew it on, but did not tie it shut.” Guardsman of Gor

“Strip,” he said. “There are others present,” she protested. His right hand, in a backhand blow, lashed forth, fierce and powerful, striking her from her knees to her side on the tiles. She rose to her hands and knees and, blood at her mouth, regarded him, disbelievingly. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired. Swiftly she tore away the slave tunic, stripping herself.” Guardsman of Gor

“Dance it,” he said. “I am not a dancer!” she cried. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked. “No, my Master!” she cried, and gracefully flexed her legs, and lifted her hands, their backs to one another, above her head.” Guardsman of Gor

“I believe you were given a command,” I said. “I trust that you do not desire for me to repeat it, as your discharge of the task might well, then, be preceded by a severe whipping.” Blood Brothers of Gor

“Speak,” he said, angrily. “I grow weary.” “But I am a slave,” she said, frightened. She looked at me, pleadingly, for understanding.
“Accordingly, miserable, imbonded slut,” I said, “you must speak the truth.” She put down her head. She squirmed in her bonds. “Much a command be repeated?” asked Seibar. She lifted her head, tears in her eyes. “I am a slave,” she said, “and I must tell the truth.” Blood Brothers of Gor

“Lift your hair,” he said. “What are you going to do?” I asked. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired. Swiftly I thrust up my hair, baring the back of my neck.” Kajira of Gor

“It will be shorter,” he said, drawing out a knife. “Master!” I protested, but he, with the knife, cutting and tearing, must have shortened it by at least two horts. I looked down, dismayed. “Later,” he said, “sewing, smooth out the hem.” “But if I take up the hem,” I said, “it will be even short” “Must a command be repeated?” he asked. “No, my master!” I said.” Kajira of Gor

“Continue,” he said. “But I thought you wished to rest?” I said. He looked at me, menacingly. “I shall continue,” I said. “I would certainly not wish for a command to have to be repeated. That would be a reflection on my discipline. Too, I have no wish to be beaten twice in one day.” Kajira of Gor

“Strip,” I said. “Master?” she asked. “Must a command be repeated?” I inquired. “No, Master!” she cried. In an instant she was bared. Mercenaries of Gor

“Open your hand,” said the leader. “What is the meaning of this!” she cried. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired.” Dancer of Gor

“Dance,” he said. “Master?” I asked, disbelievingly. “Need a command be repeated, slave girl?” he asked.” Dancer of Gor

“Please him,” said the stranger to me, indicating Mirus. “No,” said Mirus, coldly. The stranger looked at me. “Please, Master,” I said to him. “I think he would prefer to kill me.” “Please him,” urged Tupita. I looked at her, wildly. Surely she, of all people, would not desire that! “Must a command be repeated?” inquired the stranger. “No, Master!” I said. The tone of such a voice is unmistakable to a slave girl. She knows she must obey unquestioningly, perfectly, immediately. I hastily crawled to Mirus.” Dancer of Gor

“Turn,” I said, “slowly, and then again face me.” “I am a free woman,” she said, angrily. “Must a command be repeated?” I inquired. She turned, slowly, and then, again, faced me.” Renegades of Gor

“Strip,” he said. She looked at him, suddenly, wildly, and then about herself. “This is a public street,” she said. He did not speak.
She squirmed. “Is there no doorway? No sheltered place?” she asked. He did not respond to her. “I was a woman of Cos,” she said, tears springing to her eyes. “This is a public street in Ar!” His expression remained impassive. He maintained his silence. “Cos has defeated Ar!” she wept. He did not speak. “Am I to suffer because you are angry with the men of Ar?” she asked. “Does the slave dally in her obedience?” he inquired. “No, Master!” she said, frightened. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired. “No, Master!” she cried. Her tiny fingers began to fumble with the knot of the slave girdle, on her left. Then she had the knot loose and pulled away the girdle. She then, hastily, struggling a little with it, pulled the tunic, a light pullover tunic, off, over her head. “The slave obeys her master!” she gasped, frightened, kneeling before him.” Magicians of Gor

“On your feet,” I said. “I will get my collar!” she said. “If necessary I will slacken my veil. I will lift my robes in ascending a curb, that my ankles may be glimpsed. I will dare to walk the remote districts, and to tread high bridges!” “Must a command be repeated?” I asked. “No, Master,” she said, quickly, rising.” Magicians of Gor

“Serve me wine!” she snapped. “Mistress?” he asked. “Is that not wine, and assorted dainties,” she asked, “on the table by the couch, that which I see behind me, in the mirror?” “Yes, Mistress,” he said. “And certainly female slaves humbly and beautifully serve their masters in such a way,” she said. “Yes, Mistress,” he said. “Must a command be repeated?” she inquired. “I am a male slave,” he said. “I am not a female slave.” “Surely you are aware that male silk slaves are trained in such things as the serving of wine to their mistresses,” she said. “I am not a silk slave,” he said. “I see that a command must be repeated,” she said. “No, Mistress!” he said. He hurried to the small table and put a tiny bit of wine into one of the small glasses. He then returned, and knelt before her. He then, holding the tiny glass in both hands, his head down between his extended arms, proffered her the beverage. But she did not receive it as yet at his hands.” Magicians of Gor

“On your belly,” had said a man. I complied. It is unthinkable on this world that such a command not be obeyed instantly, or, at least, that one such as I not obey it instantly.” Witness of Gor

“Remove the collar,” said the man. I looked up at him, puzzled. I could not read his eyes. But one does not wait for a command to be repeated. I tried to remove the collar. I could not do so, of course, as it was of inflexible steel, and securely locked. Dorna laughed. I threw her an angry glance. Let her remove her collar, if she could! “Can you remove the collar?” asked the man in the chair. “No, Master,” I said. “No not forget it,” he said. “No, Master,” I said.” Witness of Gor

“Carry her to the wall,” said a man in the chair. The jailer then lifted me up and carried me in his arms to the wall, on which he stood, I in his arms. The wind blew fiercely there. I whimpered piteously, terrified. “Look down, slave girl,” called the man in the chair. “Please, no, Master!” I cried. “Must a command be repeated?” he inquired. “No, Master!” I wept. I turned my head and, moaning, looked down. The rocks were hundreds of feet below.” Witness of Gor

“Pick it up,” he said. “Surely I may not touch it, Master,” I said. “It is a weapon.” In many cities, it is a capital offense for a slave to touch a weapon. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked. “No, Master,” I said. I lifted the knife, timidly.” Witness of Gor

“You may have been a lady on Earth,” he said, “but you are a slave girl on Gor. And you will serve whomever, and however, I please.” “Master, please!” she begged, head down. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked. “No, Master!” she said, frightened. In his tone there was ice, and iron, and she then knew what she was to him, and would be to him, what he would have her as, an uncompromised full slave.” Prize of Gor

“Get in the wagon,” Selius Arconious told his slave. “May I not walk,” she asked, “to lighten the wagon, Master.” “Will it be necessary to bind you hand and foot, and cast you to the wagon bed?” he asked. “No, Master!” she said. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked.
“No, Master!” she said, and, seizing the side of the wagon bed and, stepping on one of the spokes, supporting herself thereby, climbed hurriedly to the wagon bed, within which she knelt on the tarpaulins and supplies, and, looking out, clutched the sides of the wagon bed.” Prize of Gor

“Remove your garment,” said the Lady Bina. “Give it to me!” Lita looked wildly at Cabot. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked. “No, Master,” she whispered. A slave’s obedience is to be instantaneous, and unquestioning. The least hesitation may mean the whip. They are slaves.” Kur of Gor

“Now lean forward.” “Master,” she protested. “Must a command be repeated?” I asked. “No,” she said, frightened. The repetition of a command is often cause for discipline.” Mariners of Gor

“Now,” I said, “to second obeisance position.” “Please,” she protested, her head to the deck. “Must a command be repeated?” I inquired. “No!” she said. The repetition of a command is often a cause for discipline, and she was well aware of what that might involve.” Mariners of Gor

“Go,” I said. “Master!” she begged. “Must a command be repeated?” I inquired. “No, Master,” she said, quickly. She then pressed her lips again, fervently, to my boots, and then rose to her feet, backed away, head down, and then turned and ran, weeping, from the lantern light, disappearing in the darkness.” Mariners of Gor

“Go to the Kasra keeping area,” I said, “and beg to be put on your chain.” “Master!” she wept. “Need a command be repeated?” “No, Master!” she said.” Mariners of Gor

“It is not advisable to hesitate in responding to a command.” Smugglers of Gor

“Speak,” he said. “Please,” I begged. “Must a command be repeated?” he asked.” Smugglers of Gor

“Replace your veil,” I said. “And remove it properly, gracefully.” “Am I commanded?” she asked. “Yes,” I said. “You dare to command me?” she asked. “Do you wish to be whipped?” I asked. “You could do that – to me?” she asked. “I trust a command need not be repeated,” I said. She then replaced the veil, and, seductively, removed it.” Rebels of Gor

“I heard a word, of command. I recognized it. I had heard it before. Swiftly then did I reassume the position which I had dared to break, and again I knelt, though this time in an agony of terror, before the strange, mighty man, legs spread, arms crossed, who stood before me.” Slave Girl of Gor

“Kneel,” said a guard. The two slave girls immediately knelt, obedient to a master’s command.” Beasts of Gor

“On your back,” she said. I rolled on my back, and lay, miserably, at her feet. She caressed the side of my body with the coils of the whip. “Yes,” she said, “I think you will do very nicely. Now, again on your knees, legs spread, before me!” Then again I knelt before her, precisely as she had commanded, obeying her.” Fighting Slave of Gor

“Kneel,” I said. “Is this some form of mad joke, Brinlar?” she asked. “Have you taken leave of your senses?” “I believe you received a command,” I said.” Players of Gor

“Kneel down,” he said. Swiftly they fell on their knees, behind the wagon. “Heads down to the dirt,” he commanded.” Mercenaries of Gor

“Kneel!” commanded the free woman. Lale struggled to her knees. “Get on all fours,” said the woman. Lale was then on all fours.” Mercenaries of Gor

“Kneel!” commanded the free woman. Lale struggled to her knees.” Mercenaries of Gor

“Kneel, as you were before, slut,” he said. “Beast!” I wept. “Beast!” But I crept to my knees, and knelt before him, as I had been commanded.” Dancer of Gor

“For us, at any rate, for whatever sort of slave we were, the open-kneed position was commanded.” Dancer of Gor

“Come out, traitress,” he said. “Come out, and kneel, head to the dirt, before your superiors and judges.” The Lady Bina crawled slowly, painfully, from the tiny shelter, against the weight of the chains, lifted her head briefly, saw Lord Grendel, cast a look of terror at him, and then knelt shuddering before the group, her head down, to the dirt, as commanded.” Kur of Gor

“They approached abreast and, responding to a curt, sharply issued verbal command, they knelt, as one, in line, hands identically placed on their thighs, heads lifted, to the same angle. At another word they half knelt, half lay, the left leg beautifully extended, a common posture for exhibiting brands, but, Cabot noted, they were not yet slave-marked, and at another word they sat down, knees partly flexed, hands on their knees, heads lifted. Another word released them from their discipline and they gratefully reclined, as they would.” Kur of Gor

“Kneel,” I said to her. She looked at Pertinax, angrily, but he merely smiled. “Now,” I said. Angrily she knelt beside me, clutching the trencher. Her knuckles were white. I had repeated a command. It should not be necessary to do that. Such is cause for discipline. Cecily looked frightened. Slaves, of course, are to obey immediately, and unquestioningly. Exceptions to this practice should occur only if the slave has not heard the command or does not understand it. If the masters should ask, “Must a command be repeated?” the slave knows that she is in jeopardy; at the least, the master is thinking, “Whip.” At such a point, the slave will doubtless do her best to make it clear to the master, honestly, that she did not hear the command or does not understand it. “Please be merciful, Master,” she might plead. “I did not hear Master.” Or, say, “Your girl desires to please, but she does not understand what she is to do. Please tell her, Master.” The girl might, of course, honestly suspect that the master did not say himself as he intended. An inquiry in such a case, is simple, and should clarify matters. She might, of course, beg permission to speak, and attempt to discuss or review the command, perhaps if she fears the command might have been ill considered, perhaps contrary to the master’s own best interests. For example, it would not be regarded, or, perhaps better, should not be regarded, as a breach of discipline if the slave were to remonstrate against, or at least question, the advisability of a master’s putting his own life or welfare in jeopardy. Few slaves will happily bring a master his cloak if he is in no condition to walk the high bridges, or, more dangerously, enter for some reason unarmed amongst enemies. In the end, of course, the master’s will is definitive. It is for the slave to hear and obey. In all such matters, ideally, however, common sense and judgment should hold sway.” Swordsmen of Gor

“Split your knees,” said Tajima. “No!” said Pertinax. “Now!” said Tajima. The girl spread her knees. “Wider!” said Tajima. She was, after all, a collar-girl. The former Miss Wentworth complied, quickly, docilely, with Tajima’s command.” Swordsmen of Gor

“Lean back,” I said. She leaned back, shuddering with need, tears in her eyes, commanded.” Vagabonds of Gor

“Incidentally, for what it is worth, though the southern girl is, I expect, worked less hard then the northern girl, who is commonly kept isolated on the farm, she is more often than her northern sister put to the switch or whip; I think she lives under a harsher discipline; southern masters are harder with their girls, expecting more from them and seeing that they get it; northern girls, for example, are seldom trained in the detailed, intricate sensuous arts of the female slave; the southern girl, to her misery, must often learn these to perfection; moreover, upon command, she must perform, joyfully and skillfully.” Marauders of Gor

“Heads down!” commanded Ottar. They knelt, their heads to the muddied dirt.” Marauders of Gor

“Look up,” commanded Al-Ka, and both of the girls lifted their heads trembling.” Priest-Kings of Gor

“Lift your head, Girl,” he said. I heard the bells on my collar move as I did as I was commanded.” Captive of Gor

“Do you wish permission to lift your head?” She whimpered once. “It is not granted,” he said. She moaned. “It will be rather in compliance to my command that you will lift your head,” he said. “Lift your head,” he said. She lifted her head, commanded, wildly, gazing upon him.” Witness of Gor

“Look up!” he commanded.” Witness of Gor

“The following account is written at the command of my master, Bosk of Port Kar, the great merchant, and, I think, once of the warriors.” Captive of Gor

“You have not yet complied with my command to adorn yourself with cosmetics and scents,” he observed. “Are you disobeying?” Slave Girl of Gor

“You will work, eat, drink, juice, sleep, dream and excrete upon my command,” he said. “Yes, Master!” we said.” Kajira of Gor

“Sit in the chair,” he said. “I dare not!” I said. The thought of sitting in such a chair terrified me. It was the chair of a free person. I was a slave. I might be whipped, or slain, for sitting in such a chair. The greatest honor I might expect in connection with such a chair was to be permitted to crouch or lie at its foot, or, perhaps, to be chained by the neck to its side. “Is a command to be repeated?” he asked. “No, Master!” I said. I hurried to the chair and, small and frightened, sat down within it.” Kajira of Gor

“The slave owes such, and more, to any master who commands her,” I said.” Players of Gor

“Simply command her,” I said. “As she is a slave, she must then obey promptly and perfectly, and will be subject to any disciplines which you might care to impose on her.” Players of Gor

“It would be the same with you, Boabissia,” I said, “if you were a slave. You, too, then, as much as Feiqa, would be at the mercy of free persons. You, too, then, would have to obey, and anyone, as much as she. You, too, as then a mere slave, would have to cringe, and perform, and kiss, even if it were only at the command of a child. You, too, then, as much as she, would have to obey, responding swiftly, hoping desperately to please, while being put through your paces.” Mercenaries of Gor

The handsome interlocutor, at this point, seemed for a moment undecided. He might even have been considering the wisdom, all things considered, of hastening forward. I said to him, rudely, I fear, considering his indubitable fame and talent, controversial though the latter might be, “Kneel!” Immediately he did so. “Oh!” said the woman in dismay, seeing the handsome fellow put to his knees.
The two fellows with the handsome fellow, both free men, started forward a little at this point, but I threw them a welcoming, menacing glance, and they, looking to one another, decided to remain in the background. After all, on what grounds should they object to a legitimate command issued by a free person to one who, after all, was but a slave?” Magicians of Gor

“When the slave is commanded, the slave obeys. There is nothing unusual, untoward or surprising in this. She is a slave.” Prize of Gor

“The master has the right of command, and will exercise it; and the slave has the duty of unquestioned, absolute, instant obedience.” Prize of Gor

“Girl,” he said, “go to my pack, at hand, that with two black straps. Open it, fetch forth a flask bring it here, and then approach those two fellows playing stones, and invite them to be our guests.” I could not even say, “Yes, Master,” so startled I was, so commanded, but, when released, I hurried to do his bidding.” Smugglers of Gor

“When I commanded you from the board, over the pool,” said Tajima, “I addressed you as ‘slave’, and under that designation you obeyed.” “That is sufficient,” I said. “In that act she pronounced herself slave.” A free woman can freely pronounce herself a slave, of course, but this is her last act as a free woman. Her freedom is then gone. She is then only another slave, another vendible beast and property.” Rebels of Gor

“The Gorean master,” I told the blondish girl, “commands sensuality in his female slaves.” Tribesmen of Gor

“Sexual heat, it might be mentioned, is looked upon in free women with mixed feelings; it is commanded, however, in a slave girl.” Tribesmen of Gor

“I knew I had not been as successful as I might have been in pleasing the man to whom my master had earlier commanded me.” Slave Girl of Gor

“I cannot possibly respond with another woman in the room,” she whispered to me. “Surely you must understand that, Master.” “Respond,” I told her. “I am commanded?” she asked, disbelievingly. “Yes,” I said. “How can you command such a thing?” she asked. “As I have done,” I said. “Yes, Master,” she said. “And, further,” I said, “you will respond as a slave.” Explorers of Gor

“An additional advantage of long hair in a female slave, incidentally, is that it gives the master additional power over her, for, as he is the master, it is his decision whether or not she shall be able to keep it. One of the commands a Gorean woman most fears to hear, whether she is a captive or a slave, is “Shear her.” Blood Brothers of Gor

“It is beautiful, too, to so fly, with a girl one has desired, bound over one’s saddle, tied to the saddle rings, commanded to silence, her white belly arched, exposed to the moons.” Beasts of Gor

“Say ‘La Kajira’,” I told her. She looked at me, helplessly. Then she repeated, “La Kajira.” “Again,” I commanded. “La Kajira,” said the girl clearly, “La Kajira.” Nomads of Gor

“He commanded me to speak,” said Ute, “and I, as a slave, must needs obey.” Captive of Gor

“Count,” commanded Rask of Treve.” Captive of Gor

“As a note, it might be added, that the slave female, in her master’s arms, must, if he so commands, under the threat of the whip or death, vocalize her sensations, then ventilating and reinforcing, multiplying, deepening, and increasing and intensifying them. Thus, cruelly, she is forced to help arouse herself and contribute to her own pleasures, and consequently, of course, those of the master. This command, sometimes, implicit, sometimes a matter of the master’s policy with his girl or girls, under which she is placed, to vocalize her pleasures, and abundantly, as well as, in her abandon, nudity, and beauty, manifest them physically, guides, accurately and surely, the master in the detailed exploitation of her weaknesses, in his depredations practiced on her body. She must betray herself. Do not blame her. No choice is given her.” Marauders of Gor

“Were you not commanded by your Master, Ibn Saran, to so testify?” I said. “Yes,” she said.” Tribesmen of Gor

“Speak, Slave!” commanded the Lady Gina.” Fighting Slave of Gor

“I love you,” said Iwoso, numbly. “I love you.” “Speak the words with more meaning,” commanded Hci.” Blood Brothers of Gor
